A training course for businesses
A programme to help your employees protect and maintain their own mental health
Run exclusively for your organisation, with up to 14 members of your staff attending
Anita’s sessions were very structured and highlighted the importance of putting ourselves in our colleagues’ shoes when communicating.
Her workshops enabled me to trim down the surplus information, which often slowed down agile decision making.
- 6 hours of learning across 3 sessions
- Online and on-site options
- For any and every level of employee
- Gives delegates insight into what nurtures their best state of mental health
- Has the potential to boost your ‘organisational health’
- The programme will be run exclusively for your organisation, with up to 14 members of your staff attending
- Staff who are more ‘engaged’ in their workplace – Increased energy
- Creative impulses rekindled
- Improved focus and productivity
- Greater ability and endurance when tackling new challenges
- Reduced signs of stress
- Less sickness and presenteeism
- A greater capacity for sticking with (and enjoying) the self-directed journey of personal growth!
- My new programme has been created for employees who actively want to understand and take charge of their personal mental health ecology®.
- By offering science-led approaches, my programme is helpful for concerned employers who – until now – have only had access to courses that focus on symptom reduction and damage limitation, rather than positive transformation and culture change.
- I also address common myths that can leave people feeling helpless about their mental health.
- Delegates leave the programme with a range of resources and further reading avenues to explore, to help them go on developing their ability to maintain and enhance their own mental health.

Session 1: How we can have fewer negative and more positive emotions
In this session we learn how our emotions are not hardwired into our brains, but are constructed by us through the experiences life has served us so far.
Then we can take steps to notice our most unhelpful responses to life’s challenges, and construct new, more favourable emotions.
Session 2: Small changes / big impacts!
In this session I help delegates look into the thought > feeling > behaviour > outcome cycle and we learn how to break negative cycles with ease.
First we learn how biological, psychological and social factors can impact the relationship between our physical and our mental wellbeing. Then we learn to focus on making simple changes that can benefit our metabolic health, and that can dramatically improve our mental health.
We also look at the role of stress …how we can stop our runaway thoughts, find alternatives to our catastrophic predictions and quieten our fretting and worrying about the future.
Session 3: People, Place and Purpose
What are the crucial factors for wellbeing and good mental health?
Decades of evidence show us that even serious mental health problems can be resolved when we focus on basic human needs such as strong relationships, an environment that feels right for us, and a sense of purpose and direction in our daily lives.
- As a responsible and aware employer, you can guide employees towards my new programme.
- Your organisation’s enlightened approach – and zero cost invitation to join my programme – are critical ways in which you can make it easy for employees to attend, learn and benefit.
- My experience is that a great deal of goodwill and performance benefits will bounce back to your organisation over the longer term, thanks to your support for your employees’ good mental health.
1. Leaders and managers
- It is vital to sensitise your leaders and managers to all aspects of mental health ecology. This gives them the chance to take charge of their own mental health, and equips them to better support colleagues and those they manage.
2. Employees who may have already approached you
- You may already be aware of employees who have asked for some kind of help to manage their mental health. My new programme offers you a science-led pathway to recommend them to.
3. Employees who you notice displaying common risk factors
- You may sometimes notice employees (at all levels!) being troubled by everyday life, work, relationships …perhaps having difficulty focussing, planning and managing their workload.
- While it might not be appropriate to single them out with an offer of help, the act of promoting my programme to a team or division – or across your organisation – could be just the trigger that somebody needs to start making positive changes in their mental health ecology®.
4. Everyone else!
- Your hardest-working and most loyal employees could be struggling with their mental health without displaying any symptoms.
- Simply by offering this programme to all employees you will be raising awareness, equipping your workforce with the knowledge that help is available, and you’ll be providing an ‘open door’ for those who may then feel ready to learn more.
I invited Anita to present six sessions on Rethinking Thought – how to manage the effects of stress and anxiety and avoid becoming overwhelmed.
The sessions were informal and interactive with useful handouts. Each one focussed on a topic that was then expanded on through discussion. I would strongly recommend Anita for classes in the workplace environment.
Having reviewed the mental health training arena, I have noticed five areas that I regard as ‘shortfalls’ for those seeking greater understanding:
- A focus on symptom management – in contrast, I focus on a pathway to complete recovery.
- A lack of explanation as to why specific lifestyle changes or interventions help …for example, saying “exercise is good for mental health” but with no scientific or evidence-based detail to support the claim.
- Outdated or pseudoscientific understandings and presuppositions.
- Approaches that are deficit-based – which can be disempowering – rather than strengths-based.
- A lack of follow up resources; or resources that are not evidence-based or scientifically valid.
My approach seeks to help anyone pro-actively seeking to understand how best to manage their own mental health.
- My programme gives delegates insights into the kind of factors that can influence a person’s mental health landscape – for better or worse.
- Delegates may be surprised to learn they have choices …and will quickly grasp the kind of changes they can choose to make for themselves, so they can respond flexibly to the challenges life throws at them.
- In this way my programme is a ‘foundation course’ in running your own thinking patterns and emotional responses, to help you function in a healthy way in a wider range of work and social contexts!