Personality can change from one hour to the next
Francine Russo (2023) (Scientific American)
Emotional Crisis Response: The Peer Run Respite/Soteria House Approach Compared to the Conventional Approac
Lauren Spiro (2023). (Mad in America)
The Decline of Independence and Its Toll on Kids’ Mental Health
Liam Gehrig Bach (2023) (Mad in America)
Cut calories or carbohydrates for better heart health?
Julie Corliss (2023) (Harvard Health)
Mental Health Awareness Campaigns May Actually Lead to Increases in Mental Distress.
Richard Sears (2023). (Mad in America)
How Psychiatric drugs create a vicious cycle of effects, more drugs and diagnoses.
Neil Broatch (2023 (Mad in the UK)
Choosing Our Terms: The Diagnostic Words We Use Can Be Harmful
Bruce M Cohen (2023) (Medscape, Psychiatry)
Histamine could be a key player for depression, according to study in mice.
Caroline Brogan (2023) (Imperial College London)
Running Therapy for Depression as Effective as Antidepressants Without Health Risks
Richard Sears (2023) (Mad in America)
How I Use Brain Energy to Heal Bipolar Disorder
Hannah Warren (2023)
Medical Gaslighting of Patients with Akathisia – a personal story
Phil Nolin (2023) (Mad in the UK)
The Nervous System in the Classroom
Gary Sharpe (2023)
The biggest myths about emotions, debunked
With Lisa Feldman-Barrett (Big Think) (2023)
‘Sleep Aids’ or Z-drugs
(2023) Inner Compass Initiative
‘ADHD’ is a description of behaviour. But it’s falsely presented as a disease – here’s how.
Peter Simons (2023) (Mad in the UK)
Hyperbolic tapering off antidepressants limits withdrawal
Peter Simons (2023) (Mad in the UK)
Mental health hospitals are ‘making children worse’, leading charity warns.
Rebecca Thomas (2023) (Independent)
The Results Are In. The UK’s Four-day Week Pilot
Antidepressants have destroyed my sexual function and range of emotions.
Simon (2023) (Mad in the UK)
Rehumanising our mental health systems: a discussion with Jaakko Seikkula on the Open dialogue approach
James Barnes (2023) (Mad in the UK)
The importance of empathic listening for making meaning of distress
Robert Murphy (2023) (Mad in the UK)
Why does research focus on treating depression rather than preventing it?
Richard Sears (2023) (Mad in the UK)
Achieving Metabolic Health Through Four Key Dietary Principles
(Metabolic Health) (2023)
No difference in antidepressant effectiveness after genetic testing
Peter Simons (2023) (Mad in the UK)
Physical activity improves symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Richard Sears (2023) (Mad in the UK)
Grieving: The key to healing trauma
Daniel Mackler (2023) (Mad in America)
Is Grief a Disorder? New Research Challenges the Psychiatrization of Mourning
José Giovanni Luiggi-Hernández (2023)
National mental health review must address ‘lack of compassion’ towards patients, watchdog says.
Rebecca Thomas (2023) (The Independent)
Emotions are not bad behaviour.
Robin Grille (2023)
Turning children’s behaviour into a medical problem does more harm than good.
Samantha Lilley (2023) (Mad in the UK).
Popular Obesity Drug Monitored For Suicidal Thinking
Christopher Lane PhD (2023) .
Antidepressants increase suicide effects in youth; no preventative effect.
Peter Simmons (2023)
The STAR *D Scandal: Scientific Misconduct on a Grand Scale
Robert Whitaker (2023)
Our brains are not able to ‘rewire’ themselves’ , despite what most scientists believe, new study argues.
Craig Brierley (2023)
To Promote Mental Health We Must Teach It
Luke Chao (2023) (Mad in America)
Antidepressant Withdrawal Should Be Taken Seriously
Mark Horowitz (2023) (Neuroscience News)
The Cost of being labelled as ‘mentally ill’.
Daisy Simpson (2023) (Mad in the UK)
Parkinson’s Linked with Industrial Solvents in Drinking Water
Judy George (2023) (MedPage)